The Mediation Support Network (MSN) is a small, global network of primarily non-governmental organizations that support mediation in peace negotiations. The network meets regularly and at each meeting, a specific topic related to peace mediation and conflict transformation is discussed. The “MSN Discussion Points” series summarizes key aspects of these discussions. It does not represent a comprehensive or consensus view of MSN members, but rather seeks to provide some material to inspire further reflection.
View all series.
Inclusivity in Mediation Processes |
Title: |
Inclusivity in Mediation Processes: Lessons from Chiapas |
Authors: |
Pablo Romo, Marylene Smeets |
Year: |
2015 |
Publisher: |
Mediation Support Network (MSN); Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich |
How can mediation support actors help in broadening the inclusion of actors and representation of issues in a process? This edition of MSN Discussion Points highlights some of the conceptual debates related to inclusivity questions and showcases lessons learned from the Chiapas case. |
Mediation and Conflict Transformation |
Title: |
Mediation and Conflict Transformation |
Authors: |
John Ahere, Sara Hellmüller |
Year: |
2014 |
Publisher: |
Mediation Support Network (MSN); Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich |
What role can mediation play in conflict transformation processes? The fifth edition of MSN Discussion Points assesses this question on the basis of insights from the South African experience and inspired by discussions at the 9th MSN meeting in Durban, South Africa. |
Mind the Gap |
Title: |
Mind the Gap: How Mediation Support Can Better Respond to the Needs of Local Societies |
Authors: |
Julius Goldmann, Anne Isabel Kraus, Simon Mason, Valerie Sticher, Barbara Unger |
Year: |
2013 |
Publisher: |
Mediation Support Network (MSN); Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich |
This publication explores how international mediators and mediation support actors can assist local and national efforts towards peace without undermining local ownership or ignoring local needs. |
Regional Intergovernmental Organizations in Mediation Efforts |
Title: |
Regional Intergovernmental Organizations in Mediation Efforts: Lessons from West Africa |
Authors: |
Emanuel Bombande (WANEP), Abdel Fatau Musah (ECOWAS), Judikael Regnaut (EU delegation to Ghana), Peter Sampson (UNOWA) |
Year: |
2013 |
Publisher: |
Mediation Support Network (MSN); Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich |
This publication underlines the need to see peace mediation as a collective activity, especially involving regional intergovernmental and civil society organizations, and not as the exclusive domain of the state. |
Translating Mediation Guidance into Practice |
Title: |
Translating Mediation Guidance into Practice: Commentary on the UN Guidance for Effective Mediation by the Mediation Support Network. Foreword by Jimmy Carter |
Authors: |
Miguel Alvarez, Sabina Avasiloae, Roxana Cristescu, Paul Dziatkowiec, Sara Hellmueller, Lars Kirchhoff, Anne Isabel Kraus, Simon Mason, Martha Mutisi, Nathan Stock, Barbara Unger, Zahbia Yousuf |
Year: |
2013 |
Publisher: |
Mediation Support Network (MSN); Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich |
This publication formalizes and catalogues the reflections of the Mediation Support Network on the UN Guidance for Effective Mediation into a consolidated commentary for the wider mediation and peace policy community, focusing on how to translate the UN Guidance into practice. It also presents numerous case studies illustrating key challenges, and how they were dealt with. |