About Us
Created in 2008, the Peace Mediation Course (PMC) is a flagship course of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). Organised by the Peace and Human Rights Division (PHRD) and the Mediation Support Project (MSP), the two-week course focuses on peace mediation and negotiation processes in today’s complex conflict settings. While concentrating on mediation and negotiations undertaken between the leadership of the primary actors in armed conflicts, the course recognizes the multitrack nature of contemporary peace processes and the need for complementary support by different third-party actors.
Each year, 25 mid- to senior level professionals participate in the course. Participants include people directly involved in peace processes such as conflict parties, negotiators or insider mediators, as well as Swiss diplomats and experts, representatives of international and regional organizations, foreign ministries, and international non-governmental organizations. The Peace Mediation Course is thus not only an opportunity for deep and reflective learning on peace mediation, but also a forum in which to network and exchange with a global group of professionals working in support of peace processes.
The PMC enables participants to deepen their understanding of peace mediation and negotiation, as well as to acquire specific skillsets, knowledge, and attitudes to engage with and support such processes effectively.
Key elements of the PMC include:
- Overview of the landscape of peace processes and mediation today
- Insights from leading experts and mediators on how to design and manage processes
- Practice of essential mediation skills through interactive exercises and roleplays
- Analysis of thematic areas shaping peace mediation processes
To address these elements, the course uses the following training methodology:
Experience oriented:
The PMC is practical and experience driven – the basic learning tools are past and ongoing mediation and negotiation case studies. Conceptual frameworks are used to help analyze these experiences and extract learnings. Exclusive exchanges (e.g. “fireside chats”) with high-level mediators provide candid insider experiences of mediation and negotiation processes.
Interactive learning:
The sessions are designed to enable highly interactive training methodologies.
Head, heart, and hands
Attitudes and values are as important in mediation as knowledge and ‘technical’ skills. The course aims at a comprehensive and self-reflective approach to mediation.
What is “mediation”, and what are relevant phases, topics and actors of today’s peace processes? How far can mediation be grasped by theory, how much is it more a question of experience or even art?
What is Mediation?
We understand ‘mediation and facilitation’ as a way of assisting negotiations between conflict parties and transforming conflicts with the support of an acceptable third party. Negotiations are understood as a process of joint decision making. The mediator usually has either an informal or formal mandate from the parties to a conflict. Three broad types of mediation can be distinguished:
Facilitative mediation or ‘facilitation’: The mediator facilitates communication between the parties in order to enhance mutual understanding and to prepare decisions or joint action. Mediators may also organize and host talks. Facilitative mediation is less concerned with the actual content of peace negotiations.
Formulative mediation: The mediator structures the process and facilitates dialogue, but also makes substantive suggestions or proposals, based on what has been said. Such proposals should reflect the common ground between the conflict parties, and space should always be left for adaptation by the parties.
Manipulative mediation: Here the mediator directly influences the negotiation process, content and even the outcome. ‘Sticks and carrots’ may be used to induce parties to pursue a particular strategy or result.
Phases of a Peace Process
Generally, a peace process can be divided into four phases. In the exploration phase, a third-party will meet and gather/exchange information with the parties, discuss their concerns, explore different scenarios and assess whether a process could take place and if so, under which conditions. In the pre-negotiation phase a third party will continue to build up trust with each of the conflict parties and try to better understand their positions, interests, perceptions and value systems. The mediator may also discuss the framework of potential talks (e.g. the venue, issues, timing, participation, overall aim etc.). In the negotiation phase the parties are meeting, talking with each other, working through the issues and (possibly) signing an agreement. In certain processes, the negotiation phase may, for some time, take place through shuttle diplomacy, without the parties meeting face to face. In the implementation phase the agreement is put into practice. Each phase may take many months, years or even decades.
Topics of a Peace Process
The use of mediation and facilitation in a peace process requires the consideration of a range of relevant topics. Such topics may include but are not limited to:
Security: Ceasefires, Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR), Security Sector Reform (SSR).
Wealth-Sharing and Economy: wealth sharing arrangements, reconstruction, local development, business and peace, illegal economies, sustainable development.
Dealing with the Past: transitional justice mechanisms, human rights issues, international justice.
Power-Sharing: elections, new constitutional arrangements (for instance federal systems) and institution building.
Civil Society, Social and Cultural Clauses: public participation, inclusion, civil rights and religion etc.
Humanitarian assistance and reconstruction: rights of returnees, , release of prisoners of war, establishment of reconstruction funds etc.
Actors in a Peace Process
The complexity of today’s peace processes calls for a careful consideration of the numerous conflict actors – many of them internally fragmented – and their interaction with each other (multi-track approach), as well as of the multitude of mediators that are trying to assist the process (multi-mediator approach).
The multi-track approach: Track 1 refers to processes in which top leaderships of the conflict parties are engaged with each other, i.e. representatives of the government and the leadership of armed non-state actors. In track 1.5 processes, the top leadership of one or both conflict parties are engaged in the peace process, but in an informal setting and/or in their personal capacity. In track 2 activities, elites and decision-makers (e.g. civil society representatives, religious leaders, business leaders etc.) are involved, but not the top leadership of the conflict parties. In track 3 activities, grassroots actors are involved. In multi-track activities, multiple actors from at least two tracks participate in peacemaking activities, with the intention of leveraging the positive impact of linkages between tracks and initiatives, while preventing or mitigating any potential negative impact.
The multi-mediator approach: One can distinguish the following third parties:
Intergovernmental organizations (e.g. the UN).
Regional organizations (e.g. the African Union).
States, subdivided into large powers such as China and the US, neighbouring states to a conflict such as South Africa, India, and small states such as Norway and Switzerland.
NGOs, subdivided into local NGOs (e.g. Serapaz, Accord) and international NGOs (e.g. St. Egidio, Center for Humanitarian Dialogue, Crisis Management Initiative, Carter Center).
Eminent persons or religious leaders, e.g. Nelson Mandela, Jimmy Carter, Martti Ahtisaari, or Desmond Tutu. Recently, scholars have pointed at the relevance of business actors in mediation processes.
The Mess and ‘Art’ of Mediation:
Although mediation can be analyzed in a systematic manner, the practice of mediation is more complicated and messy than any theory so far presented. There is no universally valid blueprint for mediation. There are no easy or predetermined solutions in peace negotiations. As symbolized by the Fischli & Weiss images that illustrate this website, mediation is a carefully balanced and fragile ‘piece of art’ and the challenge is to build and maintain this balance with skill and determination.
Further reading |
“The Peace Mediation Course was an outstanding opportunity to learn and deepen my knowledge in a field that is more than ever needed. The balance between theory and practice including the final role play truly provided a glimpse into mediation and negotiation. Putting us in the shoes and making us feel the difficulties, emotions, tensions and sensitivity of such fragile but critical processes”.
Paul Picard, OSCE Conflict Prevention Center
“Swiss PMC is one of the longest-running and most comprehensive trainings available to mid-senior experts and practitioners to develop their negotiation, mediation and process design skills. With its updated curriculum that reflects current changes in the conflict landscape and their repercussions in the field of peace mediation, it was the best learning journey I have ever taken in my professional life”.
Özkan Duman, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
“In a world submerged with a deluge of information overload the Swiss PMC is a refreshing dive into the essentials of peace mediation. It is absolutely essential for anyone wishing to benefit from a perfect balance of theory and practice”.
Neha Sanghrajka, United Nations and Berghof Foundation Board of Trustees
“In just two weeks I had the opportunity to get a deep and very useful insight into the theory and practice of peace processes. All that in the company of a very passionate, competent and amazing group of people from over the world”.
Rita Duca, Swiss FDFA
“The course experience was immensely helpful and enriching: I must say it was one of the highlights of my work in this field, and it was hands-down the best training course I have ever attended”.
Dawn Peebles, United Nations
“The Peace Mediation Course is the best training available in our field of work”.
Olai Voionmaa, EEAS, Mediation Support Team.

To be a good mediator you must be a good listener. You have to listen to not only what is being said but what is not said