
In this section you will find plenty of resources designed and developed by the Mediation Support Project (MSP). These are for individuals interested in deepening their knowledge of peace processes through learning skills and attitudes that should be part of any mediator’s toolkit.

  • Publications by swisspeace and the Center for Security Studies provide a more in-depth look at some of the key issues in peace mediation.
  • Expert Interviews with seasoned mediators give experience-based insights into security issues, process design, micro skills, and other topics related to peace mediation.
  • E-learning modules for those looking for an interactive learning experience.
  • Further Readings┬áwith useful references from negotiation, mediation and conflict transformation literature.

For more resources, please visit the mediation sections at swisspeace and the Center for Security Studies / ETH Zurich.

Would you like to be informed about upcoming material we produce? You can sign up to the CSS Mediation News (1-3 emails per year).

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